Prostate massage is a new world for number of men. Why? Most men have not learned enough about the prostate and its importance for great health in general and sexual health for men, in particular, let alone for ultimate sexual pleasure and sexual stamina. And only a relatively few of men have learned about ways to massage the prostate for health and stimulation.
Prostate massage isn't something men generally talk about over beer. Lets face it. Its been a bit of a taboo or stigma topic. Thank goodness that is changing.
Some men may think that they shouldn't do prostate massage. Such thinking would be a mistake for two reasons.
1.Prostate massage, when done correctly, can be a very healthy thing to do for men's overall prostate health
2.When sexual stimulation is intentionally added to the massage, the resulting sexual male orgasm can be exceptionally powerful. Who wouldn't want that?
Western men are facing prostate problems in big proportions. Every year, approximately 48,500 new prostate cancer cases in the UK every year, that's more than 130 every day (2015-2017).
Prostate cancer accounts for 26% of all new cancer cases in males in the UK (2017).
About 1 in 3 men over the age of 50 have urinary symptoms. The most common cause of these symptoms is an enlarged prostate.
Prostate problems are not an old man's disease any more.
More and more men are dealing with prostate disease at ever younger ages. Western males are particularly at risk and are 30 to 50 times more likely of getting prostate cancer than an Asian, Indian or African men.
With stats like this, a man can't take the chance of not knowing how to take care of his own prostate. Time to stop making prostate massage a taboo subject.
And for the best in sexual orgasmic pleasures, man's prostate is the special place that can take him on a new journey of discovery. Time to learn all about that male G-spot gland at any age, especially if you want to last longer and heal any erectile dysfunction problems you may have.
Did you know that prostate massage was practiced in ancient times by Tantric and Taoist temple priestesses, courtesans and geishas for they knew of its wonderful health benefits and pleasures for men?
For men to have optimal health, their prostate must be kept healthy. One of the best ways to do that is through prostate massage.
Look at our modern lifestyle. Many men sit for so many hours each day, which causes congestion in prostate. We eat foods filled with harmful ingredients that we can't pronounce, and we use a myriad of toxic household and body care products most days..
Men's prostate is one of mens body's filters and it stores some of the above mentioned toxins and stagnant fluids. If you are middle aged and you've never done prostate massage, that's years of accumulation. And men's prostate is man's most sensitive gland, needed for both health and sexual fulfilment.
There is no shame in taking care of your health. Therapeutic prostate massage is a very beneficial skill. It is becoming essential for better health and sex in this modern age of exposure to so many toxins.
Even if you don't have prostate problems, you might want to begin to think about what you can do to prevent these from happening to you. Prostate massage is just one simple way to maintain prostate health or to help your prostate regain its health if you have a problem.
And-an added bonus- prostate massage can open up a whole new world of incredible sexual orgasms if you are so inclined. As a side benefit, it can help alleviate erectile difficulties by strengthening the pubococcygeus or PC muscle and by stimulating the prostate erection nerves so you can get it up. It will also help minimise premature ejaculation problems by strengthening the prostate muscles giving you more control than ever before.
Prostate orgasms are way more powerful than regular orgasms. They last longer, more ejaculate is released, and your whole body thrives from the intensity.
If you suffer from erectile or sexual difficulties, then prostate massage will help to overcome the problem by increasing blood flow to the prostate area thereby strengthening the prostate and pelvic floor muscles naturally. You see, the prostate is both a gland producing secretions and a muscle that pumps ejaculate.
Cancer Research UK Prostate Cancer Statistics
Prostate Cancer UK Enlarged Prostate
The Prostate Massage Manual, Ronald M. Bazar, July 2016.
Miss Miss Joy is said to be a kind, sophisticated, feminine, experienced and gentle young lady who treats every client with respect, kindness and loving tenderness. She offers plenty of therapeutic experience alongside her sensitive, hygienic and prostate treatments which are preceded by deeply relaxing, skilful slow-paced, beautiful, sensual, full body massage.
Her private, luxury, cozy and discrete studio near London Bridge is a place for you to let go,
de-stress and safely enjoy yourself and the sensuality and sensitivity of your very intimate area.
Whether you are a novice to prostate well-being specialty, simply curious or have tried already, you are joyfully invited to visit Miss Joy for this worthy treatment.
With a warm hug,
Miss Joy xx
Joy is said to be a kind, sophisticated, feminine, experienced and gentle young lady who treats every client with respect, kindness and loving tenderness. She offers plenty of therapeutic experience alongside her sensitive, hygienic and prostate treatments which are preceded by deeply relaxing, skilful slow-paced, beautiful, sensual, full body massage.
Her private, luxury, cozy and discrete studio near London Bridge is a place for you to let go,
de-stress and safely enjoy yourself and the sensuality and sensitivity of your very intimate area.
Whether you are a novice to prostate well-being specialty, simply curious or have tried already, you are joyfully invited to visit Miss Joy for this worthy treatment.
With a warm hug,
Miss Joy xx